7 Ideas For a Low Carb Breakfast

Two years ago, I started a low-carb diet to lose weight. I ate around 55-80 grams of carbohydrates per day and dropped weight faster than I could have imagined. Now, I’m not a big person by any means, but these recipes are enough to satisfy even the biggest appetite.

Bacon and eggs. Sure, this one’s a classic. But there’s a reason that it’s everyone’s go-to, low-carb breakfast.  It’s delicious, easy to make, and has zero carbs per serving. With the high protein and high fat content of this yummy combination, you’re sure to stay satisfied for hours.
Cantaloupe and cottage cheese. Yes, fruit has carbs in it. But one cup of sliced cantaloupe has only 16g of carbohydrates. And the protein and calcium you’re getting from the cottage cheese is through the roof. Plus, your sweet tooth can get satisfied at the same time.  It’s the perfect combination.
Low-carb tortillas with scrambled eggs, cheese, salsa, and jalapenos. If you’re craving a breakfast burrito, look no further than this tasty dish. All you do is scramble the eggs with jalapeno. Put the eggs and jalapeno in the tortilla, top with cheese and salsa and you’ve got a delicious and healthy breakfast. The carb total is dependent on the tortillas you use, but when I made this, I bolused for 20g of carbohydrates.
Berries and plain yogurt. Berries are great for people on low-carb diets. They’re packed with nutrition, they satisfy the urge for something sweet, and they have few carbohydrates. Plain yogurt is great because its full of calcium and low in carbohydrates. My favorite kind of yogurt is Fage, which is a Greek yogurt. It’s smooth, creamy, and so good you’ll forget you’re on a diet. If you’re eating a cup of yogurt and 1/2 cup of berries you’re eating about 15g of carbohydrates.
Hard-boiled egg sandwich. While visiting my in-laws in Florida, my mother-in-law introduced me to a delicious and low-carb bread perfect for sandwiches. Multi-grain sandwich thins, by Arnold, are really light, and toast up perfectly. I don’t stop with breakfast. They’re great for a sandwich at lunch as well. I hard boil some eggs, toast up the sandwich thins, layer a piece of cheese, and the eggs, some kosher salt, and pepper: Breakfast is served! If you don’t want to eat both halves of the bread, you can do it open-faced for really low-carb. I bolus for 25g of carbohydrates for this.
Fried eggs with jicama hash browns. Jicama is a wonderful vegetable that doesn’t get used enough, in my opinion. It is crunchy and slightly sweet, but fries up just like a potato does! If you’re craving hash browns, this recipe is a winner. All you do is peel and slice your jicama on a grater or in your food processor, (you’ll need about 2 cups for 2 servings) and chop half of a small onion. Heat some oil over medium-high heat in a frying pan and add the onion and cook until just translucent. Add the jicama and cook until brown. Sprinkle with some salt and pepper and top with your fried eggs. This is about 11g of carbohydrates per serving.
Mini Frittatas (recipe follows). This is not only an impressive dish, but so easy you’ll make them regardless if you eat low-carb or not. Best of all, you can eat these straight off the pan or at room temperature. I make them when having guests over for brunch, but you can easily pop the leftovers in the freezer and reheat, since the recipe makes about 40. There are about 4g of carbohydrates per mini-frittata, depending on your ingredients.

Mini Frittatas

Nonstick cooking spray
8 large eggs
1/2 cup whole milk
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 ounces thinly sliced ham, chopped
1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan
2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley leaves

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Spray 2 mini muffin tins (each with 24 cups) with nonstick spray. Whisk the eggs, milk, pepper, and salt in a large bowl to blend well. Stir in the ham, cheese, and parsley. Fill the muffin cups almost to the top with the egg mixture. Bake until the egg mixture puffs and is just set in the center, about 8 to 10 minutes. Using a rubber spatula, loosen the frittatas from the muffin cups and slide the frittatas onto a platter. Serve immediately.

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